Color Notes 

6th grade notes are 1-4, 11 and 12.                         7th grade notes are the whole page
1. Color is the refraction or reflection of light.

2. Primary Colors:  Red, Blue and Yellow, by mixing these you get all the other colors.

3. Secondary Colors:  Green, Orange, and Violet. Made by mixing two primaries together.

4. Intermediate or Tertiary:  The third group of colors, or the colors that come in-between a primary and a secondary on the color wheel. Yellow-green, Yellow-orange, Blue-green, Blue-Violet, Red-orange, Red-violet.

5. Hue:  Another name for color.

6. Value: Light and dark, referred to as tone too.

7. Intensity:  How bright or dull a color is. Deals with purity of the color.

Color Schemes:

8. Monochromatic: One color with tints and shades. Tint is when you add white, Shade is when you add black.

9. Complements: Colors that are opposite on the color wheel. 3 examples would be red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and violet.  When you add complements into each other they dull the intensity.

10. Analogous:  Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and contain a common hue. Example would be, Red, Red-orange, Orange, Yellow-orange, and Yellow. It consists of 3 to 5 colors.

11. Warm colors:  Yellow, Red and Orange

12. Cool colors:  Blue, Green and Violet

13. Neutrals:  Gray, black and white

14. Arbitrary colors:  Colors chosen reflect a feeling or mood, not realistic.

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